Hey all,
We’re now testing out some changes to the League System that will potentially be shipping to the live servers shortly:
* Increased the requirements for being demoted so that demotions will happen less frequently
* Increased the length of the demotion immunity grace period that occurs after being placed in a new division
* Players and teams that are demoted will now have 75 LP in the new division rather than 50
* Tweaked LP gains and losses for players and teams in Division I who haven’t passed the additional checks to qualify for the next tier
*** LP changes from both wins and losses will now be reduced in this situation, rather than just wins
*** Reductions in LP changes will now kick in earlier and more gradually rather than only starting near 100 LP
* “Loss forgiven” will now prevent series losses as well as demotions
* Summoner name changes are now properly handled by the league system
* Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause players to gain more LP than expected in Challenger tier
Let us know if you find any weird behavior!