Every team needs some subs for the LCS and we’ve been waiting to see who TSM would choose- that wait is now over!
Dan Dinh
First up we have the one and only Dan Dinh;if you have any interest in Professional LoL at all you know who this man is. A pro, on and off, since 2010 and founding member of the team Epik Gamer, Dan has more tournament experience than many of the other players in the LCS. He mains jungle and plays far more champions in the jungle than most can, to the point where he was the only player who made jungle Eve work reliably in early Season 3.
Daryl “wingsofdeathx” Hennegan
Next up: Daryl “wingsofdeathx” Hennegan. Another former Epik Gamer player who remained with the team after they transitioned into being TSM Evo. While wings has only been in the pro-scene since the middle of last year, he made quite the splash. Known for strong mechanics, very good game knowledge and a deep champion pool. wings is a strong addition to any team. He was most famous for his Lee Sin, Riven and Kennen in Season 3 and is credited with being one of the first people to start building AP Kennen with ADmsteries and a Doran’s Blade for early lane dominance.
Jason “WildTurtle” Tran
Last but most certainly not least we have Jason “WildTurtle” Tran. Mr Turtle has been around for quite a while, though often in the sidelines. He helped Monomaniac (currently called GGU after a long stretch of being Team Dynamic) qualify for IPL4. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to attend himself and parted ways with the team. He he took the spotlight at IPL Faceoff, while subbing for Team Legion, where he wrecked Misaya in midlane. He joined oRb, which became Quantic and then Cloud9, which was the biggest upset in the LCS qualifiers when they did not make it. WildTurtle managed to shine through however and we welcome him to the TSM bench.
And that fills out the TSM substitute list for now, I’m sure you’ll join us in wishing them the best of luck.