Champion & Skin Sale: Less-than-Epic Adventure

  • Friends! (No? Aww…) I’m Little Knight Amumu, and I’ve returned from a… less-than-epic adventure. 487 RP
  • Freljord’s royalty reported that one of the Institute of War’s recently-discovered artifacts, Mikael’s Crucible, had been stolen! The thief was identified as Exiled Morgana487 RP
  • Queen Ashe‘s magical Hawkshot guided my first steps into the Freljord tundra, but exploded a few seconds after I left the castle. I swear it wasn’t my fault! 487 RP

  • I traveled east across the sea to Ionia and learned that my partner Akali had already left to track the culprit. She was supposed to wait for me, but I guess she does have a tendency to dash away at a moment’s notice. 395 RP
  • As I traveled through Noxus, I caught a glimpse of Cassiopeia slithering through the royal halls. She was cursed to become half-snake, you know. I was cursed to be alone forever. 440 RP
  • We tracked Morgana to the heart of the Plague Jungles. Wukong‘s spin on Wuju style was invaluable in aiding our passage. I’d show you some of his moves, but my arms are too stubby.487 RP

We leapt from the treetops to accost the villain, but what we found was not what we expected. While Morgana had indeed pilfered Mikael’s Crucible, we discovered that she was only trying to un-curse her hair, which had been magically bleached by a stray summoner spell.

Summoners, you have from February 1 to February 4 to take advantage of my little misunderstanding. After that, I’m denying any involvement. No one’ll ever know about my quest, as usual…

Champion & Skin Sale: Less-than-Epic Adventure