Woah! Surprise good news for Mac Users! Turns out Riot has been working on a League of Legends client for Mac and is finally ready to pull the community in to test it out. By following this link, you can download the client and give ‘er a whirl on the PBE ( not available for live just yet ).

Here is Udyr with the good news:

“Greetings Summoners,

I’m pleased to report that the long-awaited (fabled? mythical?) League of Legends Mac client is almost ready, and it’s heading into open beta soon™.

And by soon™, I mean that it’s available right now on the Public Beta Environment. Open beta, which will allow anyone to access the live servers on Macs, will follow after we’re confident in the results from the PBE test.

To make this happen, we’ve been hard at work: Riot engineers re-wrote a lot of the underlying game engine so that both PC and Mac platforms share the same code base and assets. This means Mac players will receive all future features, bug fixes, and new content at the same time as PC users.

While we aren’t quite ready for a full open beta launch, we wanted to share the Mac client with PBE players to help us find bugs and give feedback.

Download the Mac PBE client here, patch up, and log in to help us make the Mac League of Legends experience as awesome as possible!

Thanks to the Mac community for your extraordinary patience – and a very special thanks to a particularly astounding group of folks who helped many of you play League via an unofficial client over the past months.

Steve “Udyr” Mieczkowski”

Want to get even more excited? PBE signs ups are open again!