Champion & Skin Sale: A Cartful of Carnage

Ah, the glorious scent of gluttonous goodies. Since the Valoran Department of Health chained shut the doors of my delightfully indecent confectionery, I’ve taken my void-ooze-drizzled tarts on the road.

  • I’m Sinful Succulence Morgana, of course. You’re cordially invited to try out the debut of the Sinful Succulence food cart; it’s already garnering rave reviews. Free lemon-glazed boar vol-au-vent just for stopping by! 487 RP

  • Perseus Pantheon can’t get enough of my black ice strudel, but the man wears entirely too much armor. And who carries a trident? Whoops. He vanished into the sky. He must’ve heard me. 487 RP

  • Prom Queen Annie keeps requesting cinnamon habanero cupcakes to feed someone—Tibbers, I think, was the name. I haven’t seen him though, and I’m not convinced anyone else wants these spicy treats. 487 RP

  • Jarvan IV made a rare appearance earlier; apparently he heard about my decadent take on baklava from some bird. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who sicced the Department of Health on me before. 440 RP

  • Pantheon crushes the ground, sending up a cloud of dust when he returns. My other patrons seem a bit stunned. He may have changed clothes, but he’s not getting more free strudel. 395 RP

  • Apparently, boar-based vol-au-vent offends Sejuani. Her Northern Winds threaten to topple my food cart and the icy glare in her eyes mean I have no choice but counter her Glacial Prison with some Soul Shackles of my own. 487 RP

Porcine pyrotechnics aside, I’ll be slinging my sinful culinary creations from March 18 to March 21. After that? Who knows…I have a feeling the Valoran Department of Health is hot on my heels, and I can only cast so many dark bindings.