Now on PBE: Not picking a champion in champ select results in a dodge, just as if you closed the client.

New AFK Behavior In Champ Select
Hello folks,

Today we’ve enabled a feature on the PBE that removes the “hard random” behavior in champ select and prevents match-made games from starting when a player fails to select a champion.
Here’s how the new system works:
  • When any player in a match-made game fails to select a champion before their timer expires, the game is terminated.
  • A player who fails to select a champion is given a queue dodge penalty. The dodge penalty functions exactly the same as if the player closed their client.
  • Solo players who succeed in selecting a champion are returned to the front of the matchmaking queue.
  • Arranged teams whose members all succeed in selecting a champion are returned to the front of the matchmaking queue.
  • Arranged teams with one or more members who fail to select a champion are returned to the arranged team lobby.
  • Draft mode is handled on a pick-by-pick basis. If a player fails to pick a champion during their turn, the game is terminated immediately. Players later in the draft order, who did not have an opportunity to pick a champion, are given the benefit of the doubt and not assigned a dodge penalty.
We know a lot of players have been asking for these changes for a while, and we’re hoping to get them to the live servers ASAP, so test them out and let us know if you find any bugs. Also note these changes only apply for match-made games. Custom games are not yet supported and will still apply a “hard random”.

Finally, I’d like to call out several Rioters who were determined to deliver this feature and volunteered their time and effort during a recent Riot Thunderdome (game jam) event to make it happen:

Riot Damiya
New Scott