Champion & skin sale: Runnin' and gunnin'

  • Well hello there, summoner. Hired Gun Graves here, on the clock and ready to take some new marks down. I've got business to take care of, champions to find and messages to deliver, so stay clear of ol' Destiny's blasts. Follow along if you'd like, but try not to make a sound… 260 RP
  • I've got some… history with High Noon Twisted Fate. Getting paid to get rid of that shufflin' fool? That just sweetened the pot. He loiters at the same saloon as always, so I'll just wait out back for him to stumble out. 487 RP
  • Imperial Lux's got a hit out on her from an angry suitor. She's a bit hard to find behind those fortress walls, but I've sweet talked my way into institutes more impenetrable. It's gotta be my smile, combined with an imposing demeanor and a shotgun. 487 RP

  • Wouldn't you know it – Lux stepped out for a quick bite. That cell phone of hers won't stop chiming… too easy to track. I ain't got time for lasers. 395 RP
  • I ain't afraid of bears, turtles, tigers or phoenixes, so Udyr don't scare me much. Never met an animal I couldn't stop with a round of buckshot. Holes make 'em tough to stuff and mount, though. 292 RP
  • As Graves jots down the last known locations of his targets, he slips into the shadows. Smoke hangs in the still air, cut by an errant sun. A loud blast cuts through the relative quiet. 487 RP

Time to hang up Destiny for the day. Thanks for sticking around, summoner – having a buddy around makes the day go that much quicker. My handiwork should net you some deals from April 9 to April 12, so get movin' fast.