Large maintenance to European network

Hey guys,

On Friday 5th April we hit some large scale problems on the hardware side, this caused major issues across several platforms, and rather than simply replace the faulty device, we’ve decided to use this opportunity to upgrade our European infrastructure in Frankfurt. This work will not only mitigate last week’s issues, but also solve a series of other potential problems with League of Legends core networking architecture. Our teams are already on site in Germany making preparations for a smooth maintenance next week. 
As part of the commitment we’ve made to your service this means introducing new core networking hardware to form the backbone of the European Platform, and is the next step in an on-going process of investment into new equipment.

We’re more than aware that the main thing that matters to our players is their ability to enjoy a game of League of Legends uninterrupted, with skill and strategy deciding the victor. While the complexity of such systems make it impossible for anyone to say that everything will be perfect, we are absolutely dedicated to making sure that you have the best experience possible.

Over the coming week we will perform maintenance on 4 consecutive nights. There are extensive works to be completed starting Tuesday April 16th from 3.30am UTC (4.30am UTC+1, 5.30am UTC+2 for Greece), and all environments currently sharing this infrastructure (EUW, EUNE, Russia, and Turkey) will not be available during the maintenance. 

We estimate that the downtime will not exceed 4 hours per day, and we will keep you updated in Service Status as this occurs.

We’ll be talking more about other major improvements as they come, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on your feedback. Talk is cheap, but this is some very real and expensive action taking place right now.