New free champion rotation and sale!

Check out this week’s free to play champions!

Forces are gathering for the looming conflict in the frigid Freljord. These champions, along with one skin each, will also be on sale for 20% off for one week:

  • Anivia 632 RP
  • Hextech Anivia 600 RP

  • Ashe 208 RP
  • Freljord Ashe 416 RP

  • Gragas 632 RP
  • Gragas, Esq. 780 RP

  • Janna 468 RP
  • Frost Queen Janna 780 RP

  • Nunu 208 RP
  • Demolisher Nunu 780 RP

  • Olaf 632 RP
  • Glacial Olaf 416 RP

  • Tryndamere 468 RP
  • King Tryndamere 416 RP

  • Udyr 468 RP
  • Primal Udyr 780 RP

  • Quinn and Valor 780 RP
  • Phoenix Quinn 780 RP

  • Volibear 780 RP
  • Northern Storm Volibear 600 RP