Player ruling: Incarnati0n

I want to update you on the status of a currently banned European player.

Player: Nicolaj Jensen / Incarnati0n (Also Veigodx / Wizikx / Wizikodex)
Region: Europe

As a result of this player’s long history of DDOS activity, abusive behaviour and poor sportsmanship across multiple accounts, the player behavior team issued a lifetime ban on Jensen.

His Incarnati0n account has been permabanned in accordance with this ruling. All future accounts will be permabanned on sight.

Jensen has violated the Summoner’s Code in a persistent and remorseless fashion. This kind of behaviour negatively affects the experience of countless other players.

His disrespect for the rules of the game is unacceptable for any player, especially a high-profile eSports competitor who had a regular opportunity to lead the community by example.

For more specific details into the original case, please refer to the ruling thread: