Skin RP price changes

Hey folks - Hippalus here with a couple big updates to skin prices designed to give players more value for their skin purchases and better align skin pricing with the amount of work that went into them. 

As you've probably noticed, the quality of champion skins has increased dramatically since we started creating them way back in the day. This upward trend in quality is something that we're always looking to advance while continuing to provide good value and affordable prices to players. With that in mind, we felt it was time to revisit RP skin pricing and come up with improvements for 2013 and beyond.

975 RP has become an extremely broad tier, encompassing skins of wildly differing production quality. We wanted to better define the value of your purchase, and will soon implement a couple of big pricing changes as we move skins into more clearly defined RP tiers and establish two new tiers at 750 and 1350 RP. By positioning skins into tiers based on their features, you'll have a better idea of what you're getting for your RP and be able to make more informed purchase decisions.

Here's a breakdown of the new skin prices with what features you can expect for each skin:

390/520 RP skins
  • These are outdated tiers used for skins that only featured texture changes, a new splash image, and at times slight model changes.
  • 36 skins in the store at the 975 RP tier will have their prices lowered to 520 RP
  • No new skins will be created for these tiers, but existing skins in the store are eligible to be put on sale.
  • Example: Loch Ness Cho'Gath, Aviator Irelia

750 RP – New tier
  • Skins in the new 750 RP tier feature new texture and model work as well as a new splash image; and some skins in this tier will feature new animations.
  • 40 skins from the current 975 RP tier will have their prices lowered to 750 RP
  • We expect that 10-20% of skins in 2013 will be released at 750 RP, and they will be eligible to be put on sale.
  • Examples: Little Knight Amumu, Explorer Ezreal

975 RP
  • 975 RP skins feature a new model, textures and splash image; some skins in this tier will feature new animations, visual effects and sounds where appropriate for the theme of the skin.
  • We expect that 50-75% of skins released in 2013 will be 975 RP, and they are eligible to be put on sale.
  • Examples: Haunted Maokai, Jade Dragon Wukong

1350 RP
  • Skins in the 1350 RP tier will feature a new model, textures, splash image, animations, visual effects and sounds. In some cases, these skins will also have processed voice overs.
  • This tier is intended for skins that go above and beyond the quality of 975 RP skins but don't quite reach legendary status.
  • 3 skins from the current 1820 Legendary tier will have their prices lowered to 1350 RP
  • 18 17 skins from the current 975 RP tier will be moved to the 1350 RP tier
  • We expect that 7-15% of skins released in 2013 will be 1350 RP, and they are eligible to be put on sale
  • Examples: Blackthorn Morgana, Arcade Sona

1820 RP – Legendary skins
  • A legendary skin completely changes the look and feel of a champion.
  • These skins feature a new model, textures and splash image as well as completely new animations, visuals, voice over and sounds.
  • We expect that 6-10% of skins released in 2013 will be Legendaries, and they will not be put on sale.
  • Examples: Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath, Brolaf

3250 RP – Ultimate skins
  • An ultimate skin is a complete reimagining of a champion that includes an evolving model and additional features and bonuses, such as summoner icons.
  • 3250 RP skins feature a new model that evolves into different forms, textures, splash image, animations, visuals, voice over and sounds, as well as additional content.
  • We expect that 2-4% of skins released in 2013 will be Ultimates. They may have initial promotions or discounts, but will not be put on sale.
  • Examples: Pulsefire Ezreal

The price changes will all go into effect at 9am PST on April 25, so there is plenty of time to plan any purchases of skins that are impacted. Partial refunds will be automatically granted for all past purchases of the three legendary skins (Astronaut Teemo, Lion Dance Kog'Maw, and Piltover Customs Blitzcrank) that are decreasing in price, as that is a price-protected skin tier. No other refunds will be granted in relation to these changes.

That's it for now! All of the skins that will be changing in price are listed below. Let us know your thoughts in the comments - we'll do our best to address your questions.

36 Skins moving from 975 to 520:
  • Emumu Amumu
  • Prom Queen Annie
  • Boom Boom Blitzcrank
  • Desperada Cassiopeia
  • Siren Cassiopeia
  • Loch Ness Cho’Gath
  • Executioner Dr. Mundo
  • Tango Evelynn
  • Bandito Fiddlesticks
  • Royal Guard Fiora
  • Atlantean Fizz
  • Commando Galio
  • Commando Garen
  • Aviator Irelia
  • Pre-Void Kassadin
  • Commando Lux
  • Djinn Malzahar
  • Pharaoh Nasus
  • Pharaoh Nidalee
  • Gothic Orianna
  • Battle Regalia Poppy
  • Outback Renekton
  • Crimson Elite Riven
  • Mad Hatter Shaco
  • Boneclaw Shyvana
  • Hextech Singed
  • Earthrune Skarner
  • Bilgewater Swain
  • King Tryndamere
  • Tango Twisted Fate
  • Vindicator Vayne
  • Prototype Viktor
  • Marquis Vladimir
  • Thunder Lord Volibear
  • Undertaker Yorick
  • Groovy Zilean
40 skins moving from 975 to 750:
  • Midnight Ahri
  • Little Knight Amumu
  • Hextech Anivia
  • Apocalyptic Brand
  • Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
  • Explorer Ezreal
  • Fiddle Me Timbers Fiddlesticks
  • Nightraven Fiora
  • Tundra Fizz
  • Dragon Slayer Jarvan
  • Temple Jax
  • Sailor Gangplank
  • Rugged Garen
  • Sun Goddess Karma
  • Pentakill Karthus
  • High Command Katarina
  • Wicked Leblanc
  • Acolyte Lee Sin
  • Defender Leona
  • Spellthief Lux
  • Coral Reef Malphite
  • Cowgirl Miss Fortune
  • Blade Mistress Morgana
  • Grungy Nunu
  • Perseus Pantheon
  • Chrome Rammus
  • Blood Moon Shen
  • Ironscale Shyvana
  • Mad Scientist Singed
  • Barbarian Sion
  • Bandit Sivir
  • Northern Front Swain
  • Crimson Elite Talon
  • Junkyard Trundle
  • Viking Tryndamere
  • Musketeer Twisted Fate
  • Greybeard Veigar
  • Northern Storm Volibear
  • General Wukong
  • Runeborn Xerath

3 Skins moving from 1820 to 1350:
  • Astronaut Teemo
  • Lion Dance Kog’Maw
  • Piltover Customs Blitzcrank
18 17 skins moving from 975 to 1350:
  • Sad Robot Amumu
  • iBlitzcrank
  • Soul Reaver Draven
  • Surprise Party Fiddlesticks
  • Steel Legion Garen
  • Frostblade Irelia
  • Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
  • Full Metal Jayce
  • Glacial Malphite
  • Blackthorn Morgana
  • Astronaut Nautilus
  • Arcade Sona
  • Tyrant Swain
  • Battlecast Urgot
  • Scorched Earth Xerath
  • Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
  • Pool Party Ziggs
  • Wildfire Zyra