- This is PBE. This is where riot tries out various numbers to test and play with. This does not mean it will go live like this!
- The following is datamined from the TOOLTIPS, this means any changes, are changes made to the tooltips and may not reflect abilities that have values that don't match their tooltips
- -Riot may not always fully update a tooltip, PLEASE do not rage about changes, take these as a basic idea of what to go test on the PBE!
- This compares PBE to PBE
- "Remember, PBE are not patch notes!" ~ @RiotMorello!
Old (Game PBE v238 / Air PBE v37) | New (Game PBE v239 / Air PBE v37) |
Sejuani | |
Sejuanithe Winter's Wrath
Sejuanithe Winter's Wrath
Old (Game PBE v238 / Air PBE v37) | New (Game PBE v239 / Air PBE v37) |
Sejuani | |
When Sejuani was born, the mystics of hertribe foretold that she would be the one tounite and lead the divided territories ofFreljord. Her people had suffered forcenturies, as a losing war on the frozentundra pushed them farther and farther fromFreljord's limited food supplies. Sejuani grewup surrounded by this misery, and it fueledher desire to fulfill her destiny. She pushed herself to extremes, walking out into blizzards without food or furs and training while frigid winds raked her flesh. She sparred with the strongest warriors of her tribe, one after another, until her legs would give out beneath her. Shesustained injuries that would have killed anyother member of the tribe, but she would onlyrise again,driven by sheer force of will andwhat her tribe took to calling her ''heart of the blizzard.'' On her twentieth birthday, Sejuani declaredthat she would lead her people out of theirremote isolation to conquer the lands of theirenemies. She had completed her trainingand she was ready to face the leaders of theopposing tribes. Her feats had alreadybecome legend and soldiers in her companywere inspired to new heights of strength andresolve. However, before she struck out onher campaign, Ashe began campaigning forpeace in Freljord, joining the League ofLegends to demonstrate how the peoplecould be spared violence. To Sejuani,thiswas a violation of tradition - a coward's ruseto hoard Freljord's precious few resources.She saw the confidence of her people waneas it seemed they would never be deliveredfrom their plight. She decided that to trulyprove herself as the rightful ruler of Freljord,she must defeat Ashe completely andunquestionably on the world's stage in theLeague of Legends. ''Freljord provides for the few. For theothers,'peace' means only death.'' -- Sejuani | Sejuani was weaned on hardship and rearedon barbarity. Where others succumbed to theharshness of the Freljord,she was temperedby it until pain became power,hunger anencouragement,and frost an ally in cullingthe weak.Through her ordeals,she learnedthat to thrive in the endless winter,one mustbecome just as cold and unforgiving.InSejuani's eyes,her followers either have themettle to endure or the right to die.Once shehas conquered the Freljord,she knows thatthose who survive will form a nation to befeared. As a child,the leader of the Winter's Clawwatched her tribe's numbers slowlydwindle.Cold and starvation took all but themost resilient.She was the only one of hersiblings to survive to her tenth year,leavingSejuani sure that she too would die inmisery.In desperation,she sought spiritualcounsel from her tribe's mystic.But the seerdid not foretell Sejuani's death. Instead, sheprophesized that Sejuani would one dayconquer and unite the divided tribes of theFreljord. Armored with absolute faith in her destiny,Sejuani pushed herself to extremes that wouldhave killed anyone without her will toendure. She walked into blizzards without food or furs and trained while frigid winds raked her flesh. She clashed with the strongest warriors of her tribe, one after another, until her legs gaveout beneath her. When she assumedleadership of her tribe, Sejuani commandedher warriors to follow her example.Under herrule,the tribe grew stronger than they hadever been. In the end, it was an offer of peace - ratherthan an act of war - that began Sejuani'scampaign of conquest.On the first day ofwinter, envoys from Ashe's tribe approachedSejuani's camp bearing a gift of Avarosangrain. Ashe's intent was clear: if Sejuaniunited with her tribe,the Winter's Claw wouldnever go hungry again.To Sejuani,the giftwas an insult. In Ashe's tribe, she saw menand women,slight and soft,who preferred tofarm instead of fight. Her contempt for themwas absolute. Sejuani gathered her people and set thegrain alight. She proclaimed that Ashe's offerof charity would bring only weakness.Stripping the envoys of their supplies, Sejuanisent them back with a message: the Winter'sClaw would prove to the Avarosan that onlythe strong deserve to survive in the Freljord.As the grain burned behind them,Sejuanirode out with her warband to inflict the first ofmany painful lessons to come. ''I was cut from the ice, shaped in the storms,hardened in the cold.'' -- Sejuani |
Trundle | |
Trolls have never been well-regarded beingsof Valoran. Generally speaking, they arebarbaric, cannibalistic, and sneaky. They arecreatures relegated to the murky recesses of the world, hidden away from most intelligentbeings. Despite their maleficent natures,however, the Ruhgosk never deserved thegrisly fate that was visited upon them.Generations ago,a twisted necromancerknown as Hakolin the Bonecrafter attemptedto enslave the Ruhgosk tribe. These trolls areconsiderably more genteel than their ill-mannered brethren, although still uncouth byhuman standards. The Ruhgosk fought toothand claw against the necromancer,ultimately driving him from their land. As aparting gift, Hakolin afflicted the trolls with aleprous disease, forever cursing the membersof the tribe. The leprosy would have rottedtheir flesh away to nothing were it not for thetrolls' natural ability to regenerate.Caughtforever in a hideous rotting state,the Ruhgoskendured their curse while desperately insearch of a cure. They never found one. A wise Ruhgosk shaman learned that hecould magically bind the disease to a singletroll, provided that the troll could bear theweight of the entire tribe's curse uponhimself. However,there was no suchtroll...until the birth of Trundle. His ability toregenerate was so profound that it appearedas if he did not carry the disease. As Trundlegrew, he came to understand his gift andwhat it could do for his people. When hecame of age,he took the curse from his tribein a baptism of searing agony. Through theshaman's ritual, Trundle became a horrifyingcreature whose flesh constantly sloughs offhis body,only to be re-grown in anunremitting cycle. He has joined the Leagueof Legends in hopes of eventually findingsomeone who could dispel the heinous cursecompletely. ''I've learned a thing or two about pain! Letme show you.'' -- Trundle | Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with amischievous streak. There is nothing he can'tbeat into submission and bend to his will, noteven the ice itself. With his massive, frozenclub, he chills his enemies to the core andruns them through with jagged shards ofice.Fiercely territorial,Trundle chases downanyone foolish enough to enter his domainand laughs as they bleed onto the tundra. Trundle's warband once followed a foolishand cowardly chieftain. Under such a weakleader, Trundle feared he and his kin wouldfall prey to the other troll hordes scatteredacross the tundra. When his challenge to thechieftain ended in humiliation,Trundle didsomething that wasn't very troll-like: insteadof his fists, he turned to his wits. Thinking onhis hairy feet, he spun a tall tale about thetroll leaders of old, claiming they wieldedweapons of great power as symbols of theirright to rule. Though he'd made up the storyon the spot, Trundle wagered that if he couldfind or steal such a weapon, he wouldbecome the rightful leader of the warband.The trolls believed him,but none thought himcapable of undertaking such achallenge.Knowing the boastful troll woulddie trying,the foolish chieftain agreed andTrundle departed to the familiar sound oflaughter. Alone but undaunted,Trundle ventured intothe foreboding realm of the dreaded IceWitch.There,hidden among the many ancientand dangerous secrets,he hoped to find aweapon to prove his elaborate tale. He out-muscled the Ice Witch's guards andoutsmarted her dark magic traps,but nothinghe scavenged matched the power he'ddescribed to his kin.Finally,he found anunexpected prize: a huge and magical clubof never-melting True Ice.Grasping theweapon, he marveled at the cold power thatran through him. But then the wrathful IceWitch herself appeared. As she summonedher dark magic,Trundle believed he had methis end,but another clever idea struckhim.With a knowing grin,he offered the IceWitch a devious proposition: a troll army, hetold her,would be of much more use to herthan one troll corpse.... When Trundle returned to the warband,hisfellow trolls bowed to his conquest. Calling hisweapon ''Boneshiver,'' he took a moment toenjoy the look of numb shock on hischieftain's face before he caved it in.Seizingcommand,Trundle announced that therewould no longer be chieftains - only a TrollKing before whom all of his kind wouldkneel.The trolls rallied behind their brash,new leader and prepared for the coming war.With Trundle leading the charge, the time of the trolls had finally come. ''Outsmart anyone you can't beat, and beatanyone you can't outsmart.'' -- Trundle |
Old (Game PBE v238 / Air PBE v37) | New (Game PBE v239 / Air PBE v37) |
LuxFinal Spark [ R ] | |
Channels a dazzling ray of light dealing300/400/500 (+0.75*AP) magic damage to all enemies in a line. Final Spark ignites and refreshes the Illumination debuff.
| Channels a dazzling ray of light dealing300/400/500 (+0.75*AP) magic damage to all enemies in a line. Final Spark ignites and refreshes the Illumination debuff.
MalzaharNether Grasp [ R ] | |
Malzahar channels the essence of the Void to suppress his target as well as deal 250/400/550(+1.3*AP) magic damage over 2.5 seconds.
| Malzahar channels the essence of the Void to suppress target champion,dealing 250/400/550(+1.3*AP) magic damage over 2.5 seconds.
MorganaDark Binding [ Q ] | |
Fires a bolt of dark energy, rooting the first enemy hit for 2/2.3/2.5/2.8/3 seconds and dealing80/135/190/245/300 (+0.9*AP) magic damage.
| Fires a bolt of dark energy, rooting the first enemy hit for 2/2.3/2.5/2.8/3 seconds and dealing80/135/190/245/300 (+0.9*AP) magic damage.
SejuaniArctic Assault [ Q ] | |
Sejuani charges forward, dealing60/90/130/170/210 (+0.4*AP) magic damageand applying Frost to enemies. Sejuani stopsupon colliding with an enemy champion.
| Charges forward, knocking enemies into theair and dealing magic damage equal to40/80/120/160/200 (+0.4*AP)plus <spanclass="abilities-effects">4/5/6/7/8 % of thetarget's maximum Health (max <spanclass="abilities-effects">300 damage tomonsters). The charge stops after knockingan enemy champion into the air.
SejuaniFlail of the Northern Winds [ W ] | |
Sejuani's next basic attack deals40/60/80/100/120 (+0.3*AP) bonus magic damage to the target and enemies near it. She then swings her flail, dealing 80/120/160/200/240(+0.6*AD [16% bonus HP]) (+0.6*AP) magic damage to nearby enemies over 4 seconds.
| |
SejuaniFrost [ Passive ] | |
Sejuani's basic attacks apply Frost, reducingenemy Movement Speed by 10% for 3seconds. | Basic attacks leave enemies vulnerable toSejuani's Permafrost ability and apply FrostArmor to Sejuani. Frost Armor grants Sejuaniarmor and resistance to movement-slowingeffects. |
SejuaniGlacial Prison [ R ] | |
Sejuani throws her weapon, stunning the firstenemy champion hit for 2 seconds and allother nearby enemies for 1 second. Allaffected targets take 150/250/350 (+0.8*AP) magic damage and are affected by Frost.
| Throws a frost-forged bola in a line.If thebola hits an enemy champion,it shatters,stunning the target and nearby enemies for1.5/1.8/2 seconds. If the bola reaches itsmaximum range it shatters and slows enemiesby 90 % for 1 second instead. All enemies in the shatter area take150/250/350 (+0.8*AP) magic damage.
SejuaniNorthern Winds [ W ] | |
Sejuani summons an arctic storm around her for6 seconds, dealing 12/20/28/36/44 (+0.1*AP) (+0.1*AD [1/1.3/1.5/1.8/2% of maximum Health]) magic damage each second to nearby enemies. Damage is increased by 50% against enemies affected by Frost or Permafrost (0 magic damage per second).
| |
SejuaniPermafrost [ E ] | |
Sejuani converts Frost on nearby enemies toPermafrost,dealing 60/110/160/210/260(+0.5*AP) magic damage and increasing theMovement Speed reduction to 30/40/50/60/70% for 3 seconds.
| Passive: Abilities and basic attacks apply Frostto enemies for 4 seconds. Active: All nearby enemies with Frost take60/110/160/210/260 (+0.5*AP) magic damage and are slowed by 50/55/60/65/70 % for2/2.3/2.5/2.8/3 seconds.
TrundleAgony [ R ] | |
Trundle immediately drains a target of100/175/250 (+0.6*AP) Health and 15/20/25% of their Armor and Magic Resist, and then drains them again for the total of these amounts over the next 6 seconds. Trundle gains these stats for himself while the target is being drained.
| |
TrundleContaminate [ W ] | |
Trundle affects target location with his curse for 8 seconds, gaining 20/25/30/35/40% Movement Speed, 20/30/40/50/60% Attack Speed and20/25/30/35/40% Crowd Control Reduction while on it.
| |
TrundleDecompose [ Passive ] | |
Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for a percent of their maximum health. | |
TrundleFrozen Domain [ W ] | |
Trundle coats target location with ice for 6seconds, gaining 20/25/30/35/40% Movement Speed, 20/35/50/65/80% Attack Speed and gains8/11/14/17/20% increased healing and regeneration from all sources.
| |
TrundleKing's Tribute [ Passive ] | |
Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for a percent of their maximum health. | |
TrundlePillar of Filth [ E ] | |
Trundle creates a plagued beacon at target location, becoming impassable terrain and slowing all nearby enemy units by25/30/35/40/45%.
| |
TrundlePillar of Ice [ E ] | |
Trundle creates an icy beacon at target location for 6 seconds, becoming impassable terrain and slowing all nearby enemy units by 35%.
| |
TrundleRabid Bite [ Q ] | |
Trundle bites his opponent instead of attacking for his next standard attack, dealing 30/45/60/75/90(+0.4) physical damage. This attack increases Trundle's Attack Damage by 20/25/30/35/40 for 8 seconds, with his opponent losing half of this amount.
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TrundleSubjugate [ R ] | |
Trundle immediately drains an enemy champion of 10/12.5/15% of their maximum Health and 20% of their Armor and Magic Resist, then drains them again for the total of these amounts over the next5 seconds. Lost resistances slowly return over 5seconds after the drain effect ends. Trundle gains these stats for himself while the target is being drained and slowly loses them after the drain ends.
| |
TrundleTroll Smash [ Q ] | |
Trundle's next attack lunges at his opponent, dealing 30/45/60/75/90 (+0.4) physical damage. This attack increases Trundle's Attack Damage by 20/25/30/35/40 for 8 seconds, with his opponent losing half of this amount.
| |
UdyrTiger Stance [ Q ] | |
Persistent Effect: Basic attacks deal 0.6 bonus damage. Activation: Increases Attack Speed by30/40/50/60/70 % for 5 seconds and Udyr's next basic attack deals bonus 80/140/200/260/320(+2.5) Physical Damage over 2 seconds.
| Persistent Effect: Basic attacks deal 0.6 bonus damage. Activation: Increases Attack Speed by30/40/50/60/70 % for 5 seconds and Udyr's next basic attack deals bonus 80/130/180/230/280(+3) Physical Damage over 2 seconds.
Old (Game PBE v238 / Air PBE v37) | New (Game PBE v239 / Air PBE v37) |
Guardian Angel | |