Summoner Showcase #104: MaTTcom spills all

Art? We got it. Hextech action figures? You betcha. An interview with community fave artist MaTTcom? Heck yeah. Click play and hit your eyes and ears with a blast from the kickass cannon on this edition of the Summoner Showcase.

Let's Smash Something!
Pangolino hits the green with this links-inspired Trundle who's about to whack some balls all over Valoran. FORE!

Handmade crystals
Szapele wears their love of LoL on their sleeve… well… on their neck. Hopefully the added health and mana make the day that much easier to get through.

Construction Worker Yorick
MaTTcom wows us once again with his splash art concept of Construction Worker Yorick. I don't think I'd ever summon another ghoul other than the little blue bulldozer. SO CUTE!
Don't forget to listen to our interview with MaTTcom, where he discusses everything from starting out as an artist to where he is now.

Want to play?
Archiri shows off Annie's angry streak, and those scorching hands don't bode well for the next champion to cross her path. Well, that and Tibbers standing RIGHT THERE. Run! WHY AREN'T YOU RUNNING?

Hextech Anivia figurine
Figurines are cool, and custom League of Legends figurines are even cooler. Yoruichi1's Hextech Anivia figurine brings the Cryophoenix into our world, wings spread, ready to freeze lanes and obliterate minions. Just don't let Froggen get his hands on this figurine.

Want to contribute to the Showcase? Head to our submission page and send in your stuffs now!