Name Cleansing Update: Downtime Scheduled For Early Am 6/18

Here is Udyr with news on the inactive name cleansing that was intended to go through during this mornings maintenance. 
"Hi everyone, 
We had an issue during the downtime where our cleansing script reported success on North America, although the script didn't actually cleanse the names.

Because this cleanse script requires a downtime, we'll be running the name cleanse in its own separate downtime on Tuesday morning early AM on June 18th.

We know that we've really dropped the ball on this one; we are going to be investigating some alternate solutions to these mass cleanses to make it easier for active players claim desirable names. There isn't any timeline for these changes, but we'll share more info once we are closer to a sustainable solution. 
The name sale will stay active until 6/25 at 11:59PM PST. 
As always, thanks for your patience.

As for the exact time for this downtime
"We'll announce the downtime once we have the exact time.

It will be a similar time to the usual patch times for NA."