3.13 PBE will include Xerath and Heimerdonger reworks

Hey guys,

Have you met 20thCenturyFaux?

No? Perhaps you should. 20thCenturyFaux has been super helpful QA'ing the Xerath rework, supporting the creative team and generally chatting with you guys on general discussion. However, more importantly:

Coming in 3.13, 20thCenturyFaux will be gathering feedback and iterating on our favorite Revered Inventor - Heimerdinger.

When 3.13 comes to PBE, Heimerdinger and Xerath reworks will be available for testing, but not necessarily be shipping in 3.13. While we're not ready to release their kits today, I want you guys to give a warm PBE welcome to Faux. This is his first time taking heavy feedback on PBE, so please do your best to help him out!

EDIT: 20thCenturyFaux desired his titled be changed to "The Donger Raiser". I have made this appropriate for ages K-12 instead.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ