Hey All!
By this point many of you have likely heard about the craziness of duplicate champions going on in custom games right now (and for those that haven't, check this video: http://youtu.be/fES4xl2namY). While we weren't expecting players to be able to play this yet, the response has been pretty awesome so I wanted to pull the curtain back and chat about what this means.
For the past few months, there's been a team at Riot creating original, experimental game modes for players to check out. The duplicate champion mode - we call it One For All internally - is the first mode from that effort we'll be sharing with you in the future. Featured game modes are intended to be unique short-lived experiences that we'll release regularly, and we're really excited by the possibilities. Cycling new modes will let us work with you guys to create new experiences that would have been difficult to do as permanent game features, and it gives us free reign to go mildly crazy. Also, cycling new modes in and out will allow us to keep these things fresh and focused from a gameplay perspective.
One For All will be a great launch mode and, as a designer, my mind's already looking to future possibilities. What types of game modes would you like to see? Our team wants to make this a very open development process, and your feedback will be incredibly important in informing what modes we should pursue and what others should be shelved. We're extremely excited to work with you guys over the coming months, and I can't wait to see what fun, unique experiences we'll be able to create together.
As for One For All… if you couldn't tell, it's currently incomplete and still has a number of bugs associated with it, so we'll be disabling the workaround that allows access to it later this week. That said, if you got the chance to try it (or if you've got some ideas on it), feel free to give us some feedback - and let me know who the OP champions are, so my team can finally win some of our internal playtests!
Contrary to earlier implications, no one has been banned for playing this game mode nor will anyone be banned for playing during the remainder of the time it is accessible. One For All will be making its reappearance before the new year with a bunch of new features (including matchmaking!), so you won't have to wait too long before you see it again.
In the meantime, have fun! Try out Fiddlesticks if you haven't: five Fiddles is one of the scariest things I think I've ever seen. It's just… birds all day.
5v5 All Heimerdinger - ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ